Rice Bowl Burger Bar


Store: Rice Bowl Burger Bar, 17 Riddiford St.
Price: $5.50

Amount of chips:     3/5
Chip quality:        3/5
Size of fish:        4/5
Fish quality:        4/5
Total Score:         14

Well drained of oil?: 50/50
Satisfied?: Still pretty hungas

Comments: First up the faux vintage chairs in the waiting area are sick with gold Chinese fabric covered in clear plastic, they kinda look like they weren't properly unwrapped after being bought. The nostalgic Street Fighter II arcade machine is a feature often overlooked in modern chip shops, so I'm glad places like this are still holding it down. The menu board was a clever combination of vinyl lettering and areas of black chalk board paint for rotating menu items and specials.
They were a hold out with the chips and although they started out really nice, they got hard and tough to swallow as they cooled. They weren't just parboiled, they were fully double cooked and dried out to heck. The fish was a pretty fair size - it was real chunky and cooked v nicely but it was so drenched in oil that my hand looked like it was covered in the same plastic wrap as their tacky seating. I mean... these were okaaaaayyy - seasoning was great and all that but these guys are TOTAL HOLDOUTS! I'm still real hungas ay