Te Aro Fish Supplies LTD


Store: Te Aro Fish Supplies LTD, 85 Aro St.
Price: $5.50

Amount of chips:     5/5
Chip quality:        2/5
Size of fish:        4/5
Fish quality:        2/5
Total Score:         13

Well drained of oil?: Yes
Satisfied?: No I couldn't finish these.

Comments: Where do I start? I felt skeptical as soon as I walked in and noticed none of the deep fryers were switched on and wondered how my fish and chips were cooked. Who knows? The chips were abundant for a half of a scoop and I was unable to finish them but this wasn't due to the generous quantity but because they were dry and powdery and got caught in my throat and also had an offensive plasticky flavour reminiscent of garden hose water. It was like trying to do the cinnamon challenge with every chip (but not spicy obv). The fish was a pretty decent size and the cut was not a bad flavour and texture but the batter content was very high so the batter under the surface was very doughy and the flour seemed to taste stale. Trying to remove the batter only resulted in the fish becoming a crumbled mess. This place was shit but they are great when it comes to oil drainage let me tell you.