The Riddiford


Store: The Riddiford, 16 Riddiford St
Price: $18.00

Amount of chips:     5/5
Chip quality:        5/5
Size of fish:        5/5
Fish quality:        5/5
Total Score:         20🎉

Well drained of oil?: Yes
Satisfied?: Yeah full af. I feel great!

Comments: Well after paying $18 for some potato and sea meat, I gotta say I felt pretty skeptical initially. The restaurant was empty, the decor a little tacky, Coldplay was playing on the stereo and I always feel a bit cautious about a place that refers to itself as a bistro. By time my order reached the table (which was not very long) quite a few people had filtered in. It seemed like everyone in the room gasped as my hefty meal arrived and the woman to the left of me even said "I'll have what he's having" in the most corny way imaginable. My first chip (Coldplay still playing) came with everything I look for in a chip - perfect crunch, creamy interior, large quantity, bang and hung like a pro and it was even seasoned with paprika! The fish was TWO massive Hoki fillets. The flesh was juicy and thick with a nice thin layer of crunchy batter. The oil drainage of the fish was also top notch. The added extras of giant side salad, tartare and tomato sauce really set it off and the wedge of lemon was pleasant to finish on. I'm going to go ahead and say they are the best quality fish and chips I have reviewed in Wellington so far. Even though the price was up there, I rationalised it by considering that the quantity was double the amount of my normal chip shop order plus the higher quality and all of the added extras. I feel like it was a relatively good deal. The guy behind the fryer knows what's up.